Cute Doodle Heart

UGC portfolio

Josefine Lidström

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Portfolio - UGC ADS framework

Client: Gokindly

Brief: Unbox, VoiceOver, talk about the benefit.

Client: Holy Owly

Brief: Tallinn to kamera and VoiceOver, talking obout hos it works.

Client: EX. Nioxin

Brief:Product demo, talking/showing features and how it works.

Client: EX. Glossybox

Brief: Talk to kamera. Unbox.

Client: EX. Eyepatches

Brief: talking about hos it changed my morning rutin.

Portfolio - organic UGC style


Brief: Daily vlog with VoiceOver.

Client: EX. Makeup by mekka

Brief: Unbox, talk to kamera.

Client: EX. Real Techniques

Brief: First impression of new brushes. Showing hos it works and the results. No talking.


Brief: Step by step, talking & texting


Brief: DIY, texting.

About me

Josefine Lidström

22 y/o . Trosa . Sweden

I’m a 22 year old female from Trosa, Sweden. Speaking Swedish and English. Since I’m a gen-z I have grown up with social media which medan I have good overview.

Since I have a baby that is my strongest passion to make content about. I also like food, skincare/haircare and would like to make content about that too. I’m also very openminded to other things.

I have invested in UGCFLOW course to improve my skills for UGC & content creation. It also means I’m keeping up in the UGC-world.

Realistic pink cloud.

Josefine Lidström · UGC Creator



My Unique strengths

A Gen-Z perspective.

Passion in what I’m doing.

Insight in digital

advertisment by ugcflow course.

Portfolio - UGC images

Organic content

ads content

Whitelisting ads

Spark ads

Raw footage


Script reads


text comments


Josefine Lidström · UGC Creator

Brands I've worked with

Let's Work Together

Hand Drawn Hearts


+46 72 888 52 40


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